Krono is the history & pop culture trivia game where you try to place persons, events, music, movies & inventions correctly on a timeline.
Download for iOS
Screenshot of the Krono Trivia app showing the first screen of the app where the player can start the gameScreenshot of the Krono Trivia app showing the gameplay view of the gameScreenshot of the Krono Trivia app showing the daily digest view of the app where you can read a daily summary of an historic event or a personScreenshot of the Krono Trivia app showing the gameplay when a player are dragging and dropping a card on the timeline
About Krono
Krono is an educational and entertaining trivia game that you can play for just a minute each day. It provides the opportunity to learn something new or simply enjoy the world of history and pop culture.
The object of the game is to place historical events, people, music, and movies correctly on a timeline. Try to advance as far as possible along the timeline.

The Daily Challenge

Every day presents a new challenge. All players receive the same set of questions in the same order. Who will advance the farthest along the timeline?

The Daily History Digest

Discover more about a historical event or person in the Daily Digest. It takes no longer than a minute to read, and you have the option to explore further using the reference links provided.

Themed Challenges

Play games focused on specific topics such as the Civil Rights Movement, the birth of Rock n' Roll, or the history of flight.


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